Segway i2 Personal Transporter (PT)

The Segway i2 Personal Transporter (PT) is a handy and eco-friendly transportation alternative. It is a very distinctive two-wheeled electric personal transport vehicle that compensates for the riders movements with the electric motors power. It is best used inside many stores, office buildings, businesses, airports, elevators and trains and can take you places that a car or bicycle can't. While Segway i2 is ideal for short trip, it can travel as far as 24 miles/38 km on a single battery charge, depending on the terrain, payload as well as riding style. To maneuver the Segway i2 to go forward or backward, the rider would just lean slightly forward or backward or simply move the LeanSteer frame left or right to turn left or right. Maneuvering the Segway i2 would eventually become intuitive because of the way that Segway designed the i2 PT to react to the rider’s position instead of hand controls.

It comes with a wireless infokey controller that enables for custom speed settings up to 12.5 mph / 20kmh. It has also a built-in theft alarm, trip counter and other display features. It is equipped with a built-in charging device that allows you to recharge your batteries into any standard electric outlet and, on the average, would only cost you 12 cents a day to charge. Using the Segway PT entails many benefits for the rider and the environment like less gas to buy, easier to park and less wear on your personal car. It likewise helps reduce the impact of global warming by reducing our greenhouse gas output and consumption of imported fossil fuels. The Segway i2 weighs only 105 lbs. with a carrying capacity of 260 lbs.

Posted 2010-11-22 and updated on Nov 22, 2010 5:56pm by richard

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Since 2010 by Noel Allosa