
The simplistic definition of energy is the ability to do work. However, it is not enough to state the impact of energy in our day-to-day lives. This is why physicists have always been fascinated by it, whether mechanical, chemical or electrical, the concept of energy is greatly appreciated.

“ Energy can neither be destroyed nor created but it can be transformed from one form to another”, says the law of conservation of energy. The fact that energy cannot be created only gives the basic question : where did it come from? Furthermore, this energy comes in different forms, only theoretically categorized.

There are different kinds of energy: electrical, chemical, nuclear, radiant, mechanical and thermal. Energy transformation imposes that any form of energy can be transformed from one form to another. For example, when we turn on the light bulb, the electrical energy flows to the filament of the light bulb which causes an increase in temperature (thermal energy) which in turn causes the filament to flow(radiant energy). These transformations enable us to create new things and goes without saying, energy creates matter.

Many scientists have always wondered how the universe began. The most famous theory was the epic explosion called the Big Bang. It is said that the universe started as a highly dense concentration of energy that underwent a series of violent reactions which caused its explosion and in its wake, matter came into being. Einstein developed the mass-energy equation which gives quite a lot of credit to the energy to matter theory. He said that the energy stored in matter is directly proportional to is mass with the constant of proportionality of the speed of light squared. That is, if the mass travels at the speed of light. All in all, energy is a fascinating subject for study.

Posted 2010-12-14 and updated on Dec 14, 2010 6:25am by crisd

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